Deep Search for uploaded documents
For over 6 years XPOR's PublishOR system has been managing documents, through proofing, production and distribution, right up to on-line retail. Documents of any pre-configured type can be uploaded to the system for conversion to pdf, HTML or other formats, organisation and subsequent presentation through a web interface. Documents are added with a title, abstract and keywords, to make searching easier.
A new development with PublishOR is the introduction of a Deep Search service. Deep Search will actually read and index the text held within a document as it is uploaded. This means we can rapidly search the document for any words (we close out common words such as "the" or "of"). This makes the management of a user facing document upload service so much more useful and easy to use. The user no longer need to worry about catching all of the details of the document subject, in the abstract or keywords. Let the computer take the strain!