Recruiting Web-based Software Developers
Recently out of Uni'? ... Not found your ideal role yet? ... Concerned about your job security ... Hard working and confident of your abilities?
Then you are going to enjoy being a part of our experienced team of developers.
We are always looking for talented people to join our team and, with our current strong order bank, we are very keen to employ the right people as soon as possible.
The successful candidates will have a computer science background, and be able to demonstrate a keen interest in the field of Web Application Development. Knowledge of Microsoft’s .Net technologies is essential, and previous experience working with the following will be beneficial:
- Visual Studio (6, 2005, 2008)
- Visual Basic (VB)
- Microsoft Expressions
- Silverlight
- Microsoft SQL Server
The job will involve using our core product range to build and deploy client solutions, and working with other developers to continually improve our core products. Please send your CV with attached cover letter to Martyn Hawkins (