Google Maps - no such thing as a free lunch!

Published on: 01/02/2023

Have you noticed that, virtually overnight, the map on your website, or most other websites, to find you has gone all;

That's because Google has implemented a change to its use of its mapping system.  You'll now have to pay for it.

The old cynics amongst us have always said - "there's no such thing as a free lunch". But the bright young things at Google had confounded this cynicism by making much of their development work / databases available Free Of Charge.

Thankfully (!) the world has come back to its senses and cynical certainties and "told-you-so" wisdom has been borne out.

How Much is it???!!!

Of course there is a small charge - and of course it is going to be in line with the amount you use the service.  So your website "Find Us" map will clock up a charge every time it is used - a few dollars for the first time it is used in a month (each month!) and a few more dollars if it is used more than, say 30 times a day and a few more dollars if it is used more than 60 times a day - and so on.

And you can't just wait for the bill to come in - they will take the money directly from your credit card.

If you don't give them your credit card - then the watermarking shown above won't go away.

So how many times is your Find Us map viewed?  Or do you use maps for anything else? Perhaps you validate post codes or calculate distances or any of the other map based locational services that were previously "free"?  If so, you're in the same hole as many of our clients (and us).

What's the problem?

Knowing what has happened is relatively straightforward - look at the logs and work out how many times something (your Find Us page) has been viewed - then use their formula to work out how much the bill is.  Don't worry about this, though, Google will do all this for you - and even take the money from your account.  I'm sure they won't get this wrong.  The problem, however, is budgeting!

Can you predict how many times your page will be viewed? NO.

Let's imagine a few scenarios;

  1. You have a promotion (try to grow business) - and it is a success.  How big a success?
  2. You send out the How to find us link on your email footer?
  3. How to find us is put on your Home Page - and you pay for Google Ads!
  4. A competitor, disgruntled customer, or some other vandal works out how to hit your Find Us page consistently form remote locations (its not difficult - and it IS going to happen!)?

... in all these cases you will end up paying Google £ thousands.  You might be able to get your money back - but don't ask me how you do that?!

So what's the solution?

It's time to leave Google Maps.  Perhaps just use an image on your Find Us page?  For other services (that you may depend on?) that's a tougher choice, one that your developer should be able to assist you with.

What's next?
