The XPOR Template Designer feature allows you to divide the web page into a number of columns. By default this is 12 columns, with an option for 16.
In the image below we have made a Template with an HTML Atom in each of the top row Elements and an XPOR logo in each one of them.
The Template is set to be reponsive by default. So, as the page is shrunk down to half of its initial width, the template re-arranges itself on the browser. In the image below, the page has been shrunk to about half the full width of the screen, say a tablets width, abnd the empalte has reponded by changing the single row of 12 columns into 6 rows of two columns;
And if we squeeze the page a little further, we get 1 column of 12 rows;
And you can choose whether you want some of the atoms to "hide" when in the smaller screen mode - as well as change the order in which they are presented. These are standard features built into the XPOR cms platform
Please call to discuss your ideas, you will be pleasantly surprised at just how much you can do for yourself.